Tri Ajeng Pratiwi’s thesis exam took place on Friday, January 26 2024 at 08.00-10.00 WIB in Building J304 FPIK Undip. The thesis examination is the final stage in completing studies in the Master’s Program with all the ups and downs of the thesis research that has been carried out to get the best results.

The thesis exam that has been presented is entitled “Stock Analysis of Crab (Portunus pelagicus) and its Management in Tegal Regency Waters”. Based on the results of the thesis research, the level of exploitation of crab resources in the waters of Tegal Regency, Suradadi District, during the research, the total mortality rate (Z) for crabs was 3.03 per year, the natural mortality rate (M) was 2.09 per year and the fishing mortality rate ( F) is 0.94 per year and the exploitation rate (E) value is 0.31, meaning the E value is <0.5. This condition shows that natural mortality is greater than fishing mortality. Problems and threats that occur in the management of crab fisheries in Tegal Regency waters can be overcome by relying on strategies based on the strengths and opportunities they have, such as determining the management of crab fisheries in Regional Regulations and outreach to relevant stakeholders, conducting outreach with relevant stakeholders in Tegal Regency, Suradadi District in determining minimum legal size, spawning season, and fishing gear used as well as optimizing the availability of human resources for government support for restocking crab resources in order to maintain sustainable crab resources.

This exam was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Suradi M.S. (Supervisor 1), Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si, M.Si (Supervisor 2 and Manager), Dr. Ir. Frida Purwanti, M.Sc (Examiner), Dr. Ir. Suryanti, M. Pi. (Examiner). Based on the explanation that has been given, Tri Ajeng was declared able to PASS with minor revisions (not changing the concept but changing or improving the format). Keep up the enthusiasm to complete the revision to achieve a new title and good luck!