Thesis examination by sister Siti Dinda Chrisnawati on Tuesday, January 14 2025 at 13.00-15.00 WIB online (offline) in Building J Room 307 FPIK Undip. Siti Dinda Chrisnawati is a PMDSU student in 2023. This thesis exam is the final stage in completing studies in the Master’s Program which has been through various ups and downs in carrying out research and writing a thesis.

The thesis exam that has been presented is entitled “Utilization of Trichoderma Reesei as a Probiotic in Industrial Scale Vaname Shrimp Cultivation using a Semi-Intensive System”. In his presentation, he explained that the results of non-parametric statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney test showed a p-value < 0.05, which means that there was a significant influence between treatments or that giving T. reesei had an effect in controlling the growth of Vibrio sp. in the pond environment. The addition of T. reesei to treatment ponds succeeded in reducing the population of Vibrio sp., which indicates the ability of this fungus to compete with pathogenic bacteria or influence environmental conditions that do not support the growth of Vibrio sp. Probiotic administration of T. reesei in treatment ponds (P) increased the survival of vaname shrimp, as evidenced by the higher SR value in pond P compared to pond K. The population decline was caused by mass deaths during seed stocking due to the large difference in salinity between the fry and ponds. Probiotics help increase shrimp survival.

The thesis examination was attended by Prof. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Supervisor 1), Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si (Supervisor 2 & Manager), Prof. Dr. Sarjito, M. AppSc. (Examiner), Dr. Ir. Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo, M.S (Examiner). Based on the presentation given, Siti Dinda Chrisnawati was declared PASS with minor revisions (not changing the concept but changing or improving the format). Keep up the enthusiasm to complete the revision to achieve a new title and good luck!