Semarang, Wednesday | March 19, 2025
The Results Seminar Exam that was carried out by Zallva Arsyta Hartanto, a Masters student in the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, Even Class of 2022, was held offline at Building J305, FPIK Undip at 10.00 – 12.00 WIB. The Results Seminar is a series of events in completing the Masters study period, students present the results of the thesis research that has been carried out to lecturers and fellow students to get suggestions and input.

The Thesis Research conducted was entitled “Exploration of Bacteria with Bioremediation Potential in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Tirang Beach, Semarang City”. The research results seminar was attended by Dr. Ir. Haeruddin, M. Si. (Supervisor 1), Dr. Anindita Sabdaningsih, S. Si., M. Si. (Supervisor 2 and Manager), Dr. Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo, M.S (Examiner), Dr. Diah Ayuningrum, S.Pd., M.Si (Examiner) and fellow master students. Based on the research results seminar that has been presented, Ms. Zallva can proceed to the next stage, namely the Thesis Examination with several revisions that must be fixed. Keep the spirit and good luck!