Thesis Proposal Colloquium Examination activities have taken place by Tri Ajeng Pratiwi, a Masters student in the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program in 2021. The colloquium exam was carried out with the aim of determining student readiness to begin thesis research. The exam took place offline on Wednesday, 12th April 2023 at Building J Room 305 at 08.00-10.00 WIB. The results of the thesis proposal colloquium examination to get criticism and suggestions from lecturers and fellow students for the next stage.
The title of the thesis proposal being submitted is “Stock Analysis of Blue swimming crab (Portunus spp.) and Its Management in Tegal Regency Waters”. In his presentation, he explained the research objectives, background of the topic, methods and data analysis to be used up to the thesis research timeline.
The exam was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Suradi M.S. (as Supervisor I), Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si.M.Si. (as Supervisor II and Manager), Dr. Ir. Frida Purwanti, M.Sc (as Examiner I), Dr. Ir. Bambang Sulardiono, M.Sc (as Examiner II) and other master program colleagues. Based on the thesis proposal colloquium exam that was presented by sister Tri Ajeng, she received a lot of suggestions and input to proceed to the next stage. Keep it up and good luck!