Thesis examination by Andhi Susetyo on Tuesday, April 4 2023 at 09.00-11.00 WIB online (offline) in Building J Room 307 FPIK Undip. The thesis examination is the final stage in completing studies in the Masters Program which has been through various ups and downs to reach this stage.

The thesis exam that has been presented is entitled “Study of Microplastic Bioaccumulation in Tiger Snails (Babylonia spirata L)”. In his presentation he explained that the ability to bioaccumulate polystyrene microplastics from seawater (BCF) ranged from 79.2 to 304.31 ml.g-1 with a biological half-life of microplastics from 14.54 to 41.78 days. There is a relationship between concentration and absorption constant and BCF. Meanwhile, the content of polystyrene plastic microparticles in Babylonia spirata is 10403 to 17651 particles.gram-1 biota.

The thesis examination was attended by Prof. Ir. Muslim, M.Sc., Ph.D. (as supervisor I), Prof. Dr. Heny Suseno, S.Si, M.Si (as supervisor II), Dr. Ir. Haeruddin, M.Si (as examiner I), Dr. Ir. Suryanti, M.Pi (as examiner II) and Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Sc (as superintendent). Based on the presentation that has been submitted, Andhi Susetyo was declared PASSED with minor revisions (did not change the concept but changed or improved the format). Stay tuned to complete the revisions for new titles and Good luck!