Semarang, Friday | March 21, 2025
The Thesis Proposal Colloquium Examination activity has been carried out by M. Chairul Umam, a student of the Masters Program in Aquatic Resources Management. The colloquium exam was held with the aim of determining the readiness of students in starting their thesis research. The exam took place in a hybrid manner in Building J Room 305 at 14.00-16.00 WIB. The results of the thesis proposal colloquium exam are to get criticism and suggestions from lecturers and fellow students for the next stage.

The title of the thesis proposal submitted is “Coastal Ecotourism Management Based on Perception of Environmental Services and Analysis of Social-Ecological Carrying Capacity in Jepara Regency”. In his presentation, he explained starting from the research objectives, background of the topic, methods and data analysis to be used to the timeline of the thesis research. The exam was delivered by Dr.Ir. Frida Purwanti, M.Si (Supervisor 1), Dr. Churun ​​​​Ain, S.Pi, M.Si (Supervisor 2), Dr. Ir. Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo, M.S. (Examiner), Dr. Trisnani Dwi Hapsari, S.Pi, M.Si (Examiner), Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si (Manager) and other Masters Program colleagues. Based on the thesis proposal colloquium exam that Umam has presented, he received many suggestions and inputs to continue to the next stage. Keep up the spirit and good luck!