Friday, September 16, 2022, the thesis research colloquium exam was conducted by Firdausa Putra Agry with NIM 26010119410002 Master’s Program in Aquatic Resources Management which took place in Hybrid in Room J305 and Zoom Meeting. The presentation aims to get criticism and suggestions by lecturers and fellow students for the next stage.

The title of the thesis proposal submitted by Firdausa Putra Agry is “Analysis of the Sustainability of Pond Aquaculture in Tambakbulusan Village, Karangtengah District, Demak Regency”. In his presentation, he explained starting from the research objectives, background for taking topics, sampling techniques, overall data processing and the timeline for the future so that the research was able to run in a coordinated manner according to the target.

The exam was attended by Dr. Ir. Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo, MS (as Supervisor I), Tita Elfitasari, S.Pi, M.Sc, Ph.D (as Supervisor II), Dr. Diana Chilmawati, S.Pi, M.Si (as Examiner I), Dr. Abdul Khohar Mudzakir, S.Pi, M.Si (as Examiner II) and Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si (as Head of Study Program).

Based on the colloquium examination of the thesis proposal that has been presented by Mr. Firdausa, he has received many suggestions and inputs to proceed to the next stage. Keep it up and good luck!