Thesis examination by Ananda Tania Salsabila on Wednesday, November 6 2024 at 14.00-16.00 WIB online (offline) in Building J Room 305 FPIK Undip. The thesis examination is the final stage in completing studies in the Master’s Program which has been through various ups and downs to reach this stage.
The thesis exam that has been presented is entitled “Exploration of Methanotrophic Bacteria in the Pond Area at Tirang Beach, Semarang City”. In his presentation he explained that analysis of methanotrophic bacteria in pond sediments at Tirang Beach was carried out using liquid NMS media and agar from 6 samples on liquid media and 11 agar isolates were obtained. Analysis of the enzyme activity of methanotrophic bacteria in pond sediments at Tirang Beach resulted in the highest pMMO activity at station 1 sample code T1.J.Al of 0.105 mM and methane oxidation activity per day of 0.015 mM. This can happen because the presence of high copper indicates high pMMO activity, while the low presence of copper indicates sMMO activity. This sMMO has broader substrate specifications than pMMO. This can be detected in the cells of some methanotrophic bacteria grown in media with low copper content using the addition of naphthalene in the suspension cells. Isolate T1.S.Al/3 has a similar DNA base sequence to Methylophaga marina was 98.81% and isolate T2.S.Al/2 had similar base sequences DNA with Vibrio alginolyticus was 96.81%.
The thesis examination was attended by Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S. Si., M.Si. (Supervisor 1 and Manager), Dr. Ir. Haeruddin, M.Sc. (Supervisor 2), Dr. Ir. Max Rudolf Muskananfola, M.Sc. (Examiner), Dr. Diah Ayuningrum, S.Pd., M.Si. (Examiner) Based on the explanation that has been given, Ananda Tania was declared PASS with minor revisions (not changing the concept but changing or improving the format). Keep up the enthusiasm to complete the revision to achieve a new title and good luck!