Semarang, Friday | January 17, 2025
Axel Yacobis Littik’s thesis exam took place at 09.30-11.30 WIB offline in Building J Room 305 FPIK Undip. The thesis examination is the final stage in completing studies in the Master’s Program so it is carried out behind closed doors to determine student graduation.
The thesis exam that has been presented is entitled “Estimation of Mangrove Biomass and Carbon Using Sentinel 2-A Imagery in Litianak Mangrove Ecotourism, Rote Ndao Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province”. Based on the results of the thesis research, the composition and structure of mangrove vegetation in Litianak mangrove ecotourism is dominated by the Rhizophora mucronata type which has the highest INP at each station ranging from 35.40-300. Algorithmic modeling using field data and digital numbers (DN) from Sentinel-2A Satellite data can be used to accurately estimate the distribution of chlorophyll-a, biomass and mangrove carbon in the Litianak mangrove ecotourism. Estimates of mangrove leaf chlorophyll-a, biomass, carbon and mangrove substrate carbon obtained in the field are mangrove leaf chlorophyll-a of 8.90-13.30 mg/g, biomass content ranges from 44.66-116.08 tons/ha, carbon content is 22.33-58.04 tonnes C/ha with the largest carbon stores in the stem and mangrove substrate carbon content ranges from 3.97 to 8.99 %.
The exam was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Hartoko, M.Sc (Supervisor 1), Ir. Max Rudolf Muskananfola, M.Sc, Ph.D (Supervisor 2), Prof. Dr. Sc. Anindya Wirasatria, S.T., M.Sc., M.Sc. (Examiner), Dr. Ir. Suryanti, M.Pi (Examiner) and Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si (as Study Program Manager). Based on the explanation that has been given, Axel was declared to have PASSED with several input notes that must be corrected. Keep up the enthusiasm to complete the revision to get a new title and good luck!