The Aquatic Resources Master’s Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, in pursuing its degree, has three stages, namely, Colloquium Examination,

Results Seminar Examination and Thesis Examination. The following are the requirements and procedures for registering for the exam:

You can register for the Master’s Program exam via the link HERE

The Master’s Program must produce a minimum of one published article in an accredited international journal or national journal of at least Sinta 4 or indexed international seminar proceedings with a weight of 3 credits (if not yet published, this can be proven by a Letter of Acceptance – LoA). The following link is intended for students of the Postgraduate Water Resources Management Program as a mandatory requirement in carrying out the Results Seminar and Thesis Examination (S2 MSDP).

Upload the publication or Letter of Acceptance – LoA on the link HERE