Semarang, Monday| October 9, 2023
The Results Seminar Examination was carried out offline by sister Michelia Fitrianing Setyawan in Building J305 FPIK Undip at 09.00-11.00 WIB. The Results Seminar is a series in completing the Master’s study period, students present the results of the thesis research that has been carried out to lecturers and fellow students to get suggestions and input.

The thesis research carried out was entitled “Analysis of the Suitability of Fish Auction Places (TPI) at the Pekalongan Archipelago Fishing Port Based on Kepmen-KP/52A/2013 and Its Sustainability Development”. The research results seminar was attended by Prof. Dr. Dian Wijayanto, S.Pi., M.M., M.S.E. (Supervisor 1), Dr. Ir. Herry Boesono S., M.Pi. (Supervisor 2), Dr. Abdul Kohar Mudzakur, SPi, MSi (Examiner), Dr. Ir. Frida Purwanti, MSc (Examiner) and Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si (as Study Program Manager) and fellow master students.

Based on the seminar research results that have been presented, sister Michelia can proceed to the next stage, namely the Thesis Examination. Keep up the enthusiasm and good luck!