Semarang, Wednesday | January 22, 2025
A research results seminar is an activity to present analysis of research results obtained based on the preparation of a thesis and presented to lecturers for the next stage. Brother Saheri took the exam offline in Room J305 FPIK Undip at 10.00-12.00 WIB.

The resulting seminar activity was entitled “Squid Export Marketing Strategy in Tegal City”. The research results seminar was attended by Dr. Tita Elfitasari, S.Pi., M.Sc. (Supervisor 1), Dr. Abdul Kohar Mudzakir, S.Pi., M.Si (Supervisor 2), Prof. Dr. Dian Wijayanto S.Pi., M.M., M.S.E (Examiner), Dr. Dian Ayunita NND, S.Pi, M.SE (Examiner), Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, M.Si (Manager) and fellow MSDP FPIK Undip Masters.

Based on the seminar research results that have been presented, Saheri can proceed to the next stage, namely the Thesis Examination. Keep up the enthusiasm and good luck!