Masters Study Program in Aquatic Resources Management, Department of Aquatic Resources, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPIK UNDIP)  held an Online Seminar with the theme:

“Strengthening Indonesian Crab Trade”

This online seminar was held virtually (via Zoom Meeting Dept. Aquatic Resources FPIK Undip).
Implementation : Tuesday, August 30, 2022 | 08.00 – 12.00 WIB
Registration :
The speakers at the MSP online seminar activities are as follows.
Welcoming Remarks :
Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Diponegoro University)
Speaker I :
Ir. Artati Widiarti, MA
(Directorate General of PDSPKP KKP-Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries)
Speaker II :
Ir. Kuncoro C. Nugroho
(Chairman of APRI-Indonesian Crab Management Association)
Speaker III :
Dr. Ir. Zairion, M.Sc
(Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences-IPB University)
Discusser I :
Prof. Dra. Indah Susilowati, M.Sc., Ph.D 
(Faculty of Economics and Business-Diponegoro University)
Discusser II :
Wita Setioko, STP., MM
(Operation Director of PT BMI-Bumi Menara Internusa)
Moderator :
Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghofar., M.Sc
(Department of Aquatic Resources, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University)
Participants get e-certificates directly when filling out the attendance list on the link shared by the organizers when the seminar takes place. Be sure to fill in the attendance list link within the specified time limit.
For participants who did not get an e-certificate directly when filling out the attendance list, they can download independently in the Google Drive Certificate folder Google Drive Material Link
Don’t miss the next Online Seminar and Public Lecture by following Instagram @msdp.undip and the Dept. FPIK Undip Aquatic Resources.
Stay Healthy and Productive, guys!